Listings by County/Region

Glamping Sites in Ousby – Wild in Style

Glamping Sites in Ousby

Wild in Style
Gill Bank
Cumbria CA10 1QA

07850 204362


Glamping Sites in Ousby

When you visit us at Wild in Style, we want to invite you into our world. Here you will find stunning landscapes, a chance to get face to face with the local wildlife and a space to relax on our working farm.

Close to the famous English Lake District and surrounded by rugged Northern countryside, the area around the campsite has a mysterious beauty all of its own. With easy access to Hadrian’s Wall, the North Pennines and the Cumbrian coast, as well as panoramic views over some of the Lake District’s most iconic summits, there are almost never-ending opportunities to slow down your pace, fill your lungs with fresh air and enjoy the countryside.

Perfect Relaxation in the Wild Valleys

As Wild in Style is a working smallholding, we have embedded our beautiful yurts into the landscape, giving you a harmonious environment with plenty to do on your doorstep. All of our yurts are fully insulated and equipped with wood-burning stoves, to ensure the Northern countryside stays outside. Whether you want to get active in the great outdoors, or simply enjoy the zen-like calm around you, the atmosphere over here at Wild in Style is perfect for both. Our ethos is to get you back to nature whilst giving you the indoor comforts that make your stay enjoyable, so you can experience the deep peace of the countryside and a retreat from the stresses of life without having to sacrifice comfort.


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