Listings by County/Region

Glamping Sites in Shaftesbury – Dorset Country Glamping Holidays

Glamping Sites in Shaftesbury, Dorset

Glamping sites in Shaftesbury

Dorset Country Glamping Holidays
Sherborne Causeway
Dorset SP7 9PX

Telephone: 07917 298634


Glamping sites in Shaftesbury. Dorset Country Glamping Holidays offer dog friendly glamping, specialising in luxury glamping  for families & couples.

Dorset Country Holidays Glamping have offered glamping for almost a decade and have almost half a century’s worth of experience in providing camping holidays. Our glamping holiday accommodation is situated on our family run holiday park in Dorset with easy road and rail connections.

We’re the family glamping site with decades of experience. Dorset Country Holidays & Events (DCHE) is the Glamping self catering holiday rental and events arm of the Blackmore Vale Group, a private family owned business operating in rural Dorset for almost half a century. 

Dorset Country Holidays Glamping is the leading independent glampsite in the country, having offered glamping since 2006.

We offer a diverse range of glamping holiday accommodation with the best value in the UK.

Our resident team look forward to greeting you in person

Don’t worry if you have not been glamping before we provide a personal check-in where we demonstrate all the facilities to help you settle in for a carefree stay.
As our team are on site 24 hours a day we’re always on hand if you need us.

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