Listings by County/Region

Glamping Sites in Bodmin – Ruthern Valley Holidays

Glamping Sites in Bodmin, Cornwall

Glamping sites in Bodmin

Glamping Sites in Bodmin

Ruthern Valley Holidays
Cornwall PL30 5LU  

Telephone: 01208 831295


Nestled in a beautiful wooded valley near Bodmin Moor, this is a holiday site that offers a selection of accommodation styles, plus a fully equipped, designated camping and caravan area – you choose which you prefer.

For the more adventurous, there are wigwams or camping huts. The touring caravan and camping area has 26 pitches, 6 of which have electric hook-up; there is designated campers’ shower and toilet block – with solar hot water – and laundry facilities. 

Our three glamping options offer a convenient alternative to the tent but retain all the ambience and comfort of a camping holiday. The megapods and wigwams have memory foam mattresses, heating, lighting, fridges, microwaves and kettles. The camping huts (pods) are not equipped.

Self-catering accommodation, shop and play area, nestled in tranquil Ruthern Valley. Something to suit all pockets – all year round

Coast and countryside. Beauty, Nature & Fun, surf in the morning. cycle in the afternoon. Or relax as hard as you like!

Quiet and peaceful. Come and relax. Woods and countryside surround you… and Central Cornwall means adventure is close by.

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